L to R: Britton Mosley, Sr., and James “Jimmy” Fancher
Read the compelling evidence, the fabrication of evidence, and the blackballing of an upstanding, law-abiding citizen who only
wanted to do his job.
FABRICATING EVIDENCE: Drug Set-up/Cover-up of a Correctional Whistleblower
by Britton Mosley, Sr.
Growing up in Mississippi in the forties, fifties, and sixties, Britton Mosley, Sr. became accustomed to terrorism because of the color of his skin. But, as a native citizen of the United States in the nineteenth century, never would he have imagined that terrorism would come from law enforcement and political figures right here in these United States of America.
There is a new generation of terrorism in Mississippi that state and local government support—wrongful convictions based on fabricated evidence. While working as a correctional officer at South Mississippi Correctional Institute in Leakesville, Mississippi, Britton Mosley, Sr. saw firsthand the disproportionate incarceration of people of color for petty, nonviolent offenses. He also was an eyewitness to the mental and physical barbaric brutality against prison inmates. Being an advocate of human rights and inmate rehabilitation, he spoke out against such abuse and became the target of retaliation from high-ranking prison officials and fellow coworkers in the form of two attempted drug set-ups.
In Fabricating Evidence: Drug Set-up/Cover-up of a Correctional Whistleblower you will experience the injustice endured by Britton Mosley, Sr., and the emotional toll it took on him. Read the compelling, evidence, the fabrication of evidence, and the blackballing of an upstanding, law-abiding citizen who only wanted to do his job.
The purpose of Fabricating Evidence II: Office of the Attorney General/Mississippi Department of Corrections Integrity Meltdown is to expose the corruption inside the Mississippi Department of Corrections and the Office of the Attorney General.
FABRICATING EVIDENCE II: Office of the Attorney General/Mississippi Department of Corrections Integrity Meltdown
by Britton Mosley, Sr. and John Fancher
Former Correctional Warden John “Jimmy” Fancher and former Correctional Captain Britton Mosley, Sr. became targets after Fancher refused to accept bribes from the former Correctional Commissioner Christopher Epps. Correctional staff and inmates conspired to get a falsified criminal conviction on both Fancher and Mosley. Their correctional careers were intentionally destroyed because they refused to participate in corruptive behaviors. They were criminalized from a broken judicial system.
Fabricating Evidence II should be ground-zero for a reformed Mississippi correctional system. If this attempt were successfully taken out against these former correctional members, the result would have led to two men of integrity to be wrongfully sentenced to prison.
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